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But until now, there has never been a global overview of the nature and extent of crimes that affect the environment. This first-ever Global Analysis on Crimes that Affect the Environment is a robust exploration of what crimes that affect the environment are, how they are committed, the role of organized crime groups and corruption, what drives people and corporations to commit crimes that affect the environment, what are the supply chain structures of illegal environmental commodities, what does this all mean for improved policies and prevention strategies, and what are the impacts of crimes that affect the environment.

The Global Analysis on Crimes that Affect the Environment is separated into four parts made up of 12 chapters. 

Part 1 is a robust review of all 193 Member States’ environmental legislation for deforestation and logging, mining, air pollution, noise pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, fishing, waste, and wildlife to analyze whether violations of these legislation are criminalized and whether the penalty is at least four years of prison (the definition of serious crime in the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime). 

Part 2 consists of the studies on illegal deforestation and logging, illegal mining, and a Spotlight on Brazil exploring the impacts of these crimes that affect the environment. 

Part 3 consists of the studies on waste crime and trafficking, criminal marine pollution, and a Spotlight on Finland exploring the impacts of these crimes. Part 4 consists of the studies on illegal fishing as a crime, the role of Special Economic Zones in relation to crimes that affect the environment, and a Spotlight on the Pacific exploring the impacts of these crimes. Finally, the Global Analysis on Crimes that Affect the Environment in its entirety will pull all the parts together and have an additional introduction as well as a chapter on how crimes that affect the environment contribute to climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution.

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