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Each incident of fraud does not equal one person being defrauded, but instead refers to the number of cards or accounts defrauded.

For example, if a fraud was carried out on two cards, but they both belonged to the same person, this would represent two instances of fraud, not one.

All fraud loss figures, unless otherwise indicated, are reported as gross.

This means the figures represent the total value of fraud including any money subsequently recovered by a bank. Some caveats are required for the tables in the document:

• Prevented values were not collected for all fraud types prior to 2015.

• The sum of components may not equal the total due to rounding.

• Data series are subject to restatement, based on corrections or the receipt of additional information.

• All percentage changes relate to H1 (Jan to June) 2023 vs H1 (Jan to June) 2022 unless otherwise stated.

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