Beneficial ownership registration around the world 2022

Christophe BARDY - GRACES community
Propulsé par Virginie
Cet article est réservé aux membres

The state of play of beneficial ownership registration in 2022

An account of legal and beneficial ownership registration frameworks across 141 countries.

This paper gives an account of legal and beneficial ownership registration frameworks across 141 countries, examining how many countries have beneficial ownership laws, which legal vehicles are covered by those laws, whether countries provide public access to beneficial ownership information, and other elements that make up countries’ beneficial ownership frameworks. The report particularly focuses on companies and also weighs the risks each country’s registration level poses based on the number of vehicles registered in the country. In summary, the report shows that the world is galloping towards beneficial ownership transparency.

With support from the Financial Transparency Coalition

Andres Knobel

Florencia Lorenzo

Selected by Virginie GASTINE MENOU

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