Financing and facilitation of FTFS and returnees in Southeast Asia Report by Asia/Pacific Group

Christophe BARDY - GRACES community
Propulsé par Virginie
Cet article est réservé aux membres

13 January 2022
A recently completed joint APG and Global Center on Cooperative Security typologies report, ‘Financing and Facilitation of Foreign Terrorist Fighters and Returnees in Southeast Asia’, was adopted by the APG membership on 28 July 2021 and has now been published.
The project was endorsed by APG members in 2019 and is the result of contributions and feedback from APG members, a private sector roundtable discussion, and extensive research by the lead authors.
This report examines what is known and unknown regarding financial profiles of foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs) connected to Southeast Asia and explores the collection and utilization of financial intelligence related to FTFs in the region.
To assist APG members and the broader counter-terrorism community, this report includes recommendations on enhancing information exchange and feedback channels to improve the use of financial intelligence in identifying FTFs and returnees.
The APG and Global Center gratefully acknowledge the support for this project provided by the government of the Netherlands.
The report is available in two formats: a public version and a confidential version for member-only access.

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