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ICC FraudNet Global Annual Report 2024

This edition takes as its theme Fraud Frontiers: Emerging Threats and Innovative Solutions in Fraud and Asset Recovery, edited by Dr Dominic Thomas-James. It builds on the network’s growing body of original scholarly and practitioner contributions in previous Reports since 2021 and provides unique cutting-edge perspectives from the world’s leading fraud and asset recovery lawyers’ network.

The 2024 Report comprises 25 original papers by 42 authors from 20 jurisdictions, offering insights from some of the highest-profile fraud and asset recovery cases. Highlights include securing assets in fraud-based arbitrations, sanctions compliance and the complexities of sanctions frameworks, the law and practice relating to secrecy orders, and jurisdiction-specific insights on enforcement of foreign judgments.

Additional topics covered in the report include developments in anti-money laundering and counterterrorism financing standards, analyses of cybercrime and ransomware attacks, the role of law enforcement in asset tracing investigations, cryptocurrency fraud and virtual assets in asset recovery, and the use of artificial intelligence in investigations. The report also examines the widening scope of fraud legislation relevant to corporations and offers expert perspectives on recent cases and their impact on the field.

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