Malaysia Cyber Security Strategy 2021 by National Security Council Malaysia

Christophe BARDY - GRACES community
Propulsé par Virginie
Cet article est réservé aux membres

NACSA | National Cyber Security Agency

The National Cyber Security Agency (NACSA) was officially established in February 2017 as the national lead agency for cyber security matters, with the objectives of securing and strengthening Malaysia's resilience in facing the threats of cyber attacks, by co-ordinating and consolidating the nation's best experts and resources in the field of cyber security. NACSA is also committed to developing and implementing national-level cyber security policies and strategies, protecting Critical National Information Infrastructures (CNII), undertaking strategic measures in countering cyber threats, spearheading cyber security awareness, acculturation and capacity-building programmes, formulating strategic approach towards combatting cyber crimes, advising on organizational cyber risk management, developing and optimizing shared resources among agencies, and fostering constructive regional and global networks among entities with shared interests in cyber security.

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