Christophe BARDY - GRACES community
Propulsé par Virginie
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Adapting to the Digital Trade Era: Challenges and opportunities" looks at how the rapid adoption of digital technologies could help developing countries increase their participation in world trade. It also reviews the role that domestic policies and international cooperation can play in creating a more prosperous and inclusive future for these countries. The WTO Chairs Programme aims to enhance understanding of the multilateral trading system among academics and policy makers in developing countries through curriculum development, research and outreach activities by universities and research institutions. Through a variety of case studies, the book illustrates how countries in different regions view the opportunities and challenges of digital technologies and how policy makers are responding to them. The publication, entitled "Adapting to the digital trade era: challenges and opportunities", considers how technological advancement such as the growth of e-commerce and the development of blockchain technology may contribute to inclusive growth. It also looks into what needs to be done at the domestic and regional level to take full advantage of the opportunities offered in the new digital trade era. The publication is an important result of the second phase of the WTO Chairs Programme, which was funded by the governments of the Netherlands and France. ​​ Report p/o Virginie Gastine Menou RISQUES ET VOUS Proposer une offre de job : Consulter les offres qui vous correspondent :

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