AML/CFT: reporting entities activity 2022 review

Christophe BARDY - GRACES community
Propulsé par Virginie
Cet article est réservé aux membres

The 2022 review on reporting entities activity is now available 📝

🌊 166,961 information reports sent to Tracfin, including 162,708 suspicious transaction reports 

đŸ’„ An incoming flow that has doubled in 4 years 

🏅 Banks and credit institutions are the entities that declared the most 

đŸ—ș Reporting activity is largely located within the Île-de-France region 


The private sector mobilisation, in particular the most exposed professions to ML-FT risks, is an essential component of AML-CFT #public policy. Strengthening and modernising this public-private #partnership is a priority for Tracfin.

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