In order to prevent and raise awareness among professionals subject to the AML/CFT Law of 12 November 2004 as amended (hereinafter “AML/CFT Law”), the AED, as the supervisory authority for accounting professionals and tax advisors, has decided to provide them with a guide to help them to comply with their AML/CFT obligations. The guide is of an indicative nature, describing the minimum requirements to be complied with by accounting professionals and tax advisors. The purpose of this guide is, above all, to raise awareness among professionals about the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing they may encounter in their professional activity, but also to provide guidance to the concerned professionals to enable them to avoid transactions linked to a risk of money laundering and terrorist financing, which could engage their responsibility. This risk can be avoided by respecting AML/CFT obligations and more particularly the IDENTIFICATION OF THE CUSTOMER AND OF THE BENEFICIAL OWNER.
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