Nigeria’s Senate Passes Law Tightening Money Laundering Rules

Christophe BARDY - GRACES community
Propulsé par Virginie
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By Anthony Osae-Brown 16 mars 2022

Nigeria’s Senate passed a bill that will amend money laundering regulations, including making it mandatory for lenders to report suspicious transactions.  The Money Laundering Prevention and Prohibition Act 2022 requires lenders to report all single transactions worth more than 5 million naira ($12,035) entered into by individuals and those involving corporates worth more 10 million naira to the Special Control Unit Against Money Laundering. The panel will be established as part of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission.  Jail sentences ranging from two years to five years will be imposed on individuals who break the new law, while institutions face fines of as much as 50 million naira and their relevant officials could be prosecuted, the government said in an emailed statement.  Banks, other institutions and professionals will also be legally required “to identify and assess the money laundering and terrorism financing risks that may arise in relation to the development of new products and new business practices,” it said.   Nigeria’s lower House of Representatives will also have to pass the bill before it can be sent to President Muhammadu Buhari to sign it into law.

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