Publication du Rapport annuel 2021 de l’OMC

Christophe BARDY - GRACES community
Propulsé par Virginie
Cet article est réservé aux membres

Le Rapport annuel de l’OMC, publié aujourd’hui (9 juillet) offre un compte rendu complet des activités menées par l’Organisation en 2020 et au début de 2021. Il commence par un message de la Directrice générale Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, et par un bref aperçu de l’année écoulée. Il donne ensuite une description détaillée des principaux domaines d’activité de l’OMC.

In her opening message, DG Okonjo-Iweala says:

“The multilateral trading system has played an important part in efforts to fight COVID-19. Trade’s resilience represented a lifeline for millions, enabling access to food and other essential supplies. Now, the WTO can and must play a critical role in accelerating COVID-19 vaccine production and in ensuring a strong, sustained and inclusive global economic recovery.

"To live up to its founding objectives of using trade to help people – to raise living standards, create jobs and promote sustainable development – the WTO must deliver results this year. By responding together to a global crisis without precedent in our lifetimes, members can begin to rebuild the trust needed to address future challenges.”

The Annual Report is available in print and electronic format. A short animation provides an overview of the Report.

The French and Spanish editions will be published within the coming weeks.

p/o Virginie Gastine Menou


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