OECD - Responsible Business Conduct and Anti-Corruption Compliance in Southeast Asia

Christophe BARDY - GRACES community
Propulsé par Virginie
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November 2020 The OECD, in partnership with UNDP, conducted a firm-level survey to obtain information on business practices, opportunities and challenges related to responsible business conduct (RBC) and combating corruption in Southeast Asia. The survey included a focus on specific challenges for business in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey was disseminated in 10 ASEAN countries, and open to response from companies headquartered in or doing business in the region for a total of 5-weeks (from 25th May to 7th July 2020). In total, 229 company representatives across the different target countries and a broad range of industries responded to the survey. This survey is unique in that it looks at the way anti-corruption compliance and RBC are managed by businesses through one lens. The dataset is a contribution to greater understanding of how companies address their risks in a comprehensive way. Findings from this survey can provide a basis to support businesses in the development and implementation of sound RBC and anti-corruption risk management policies and practices, and contribute to greater resilience and sustainable development for companies in Southeast Asia and beyond in these turbulent times. >More about the survey The survey targeted firms of different sizes, ownership structure and within varied sectors and across different geographic locations, from small-and-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to the largest state-owned enterprises (SOEs). In the current context of the COVID-19 global health and economic crisis, the survey also collected preliminary data on how companies are reacting, reorganising and responding to the crisis, including adapting business integrity frameworks to address increased risks of corruption. The survey took part under two programmes: the joint OECD-ILO-EU programme to promote Responsible Supply Chains in Asia, and the the OECD South East Asia Anti-Corruption and Business Integrity Project supported by the UK Prosperity Fund. >About the OECD South East Asia Anti-Corruption and Business Integrity Project Southeast Asia is one of the most dynamic and diverse regions in the world. To maximise sustainable and inclusive growth, the region and its economies have individually and collectively committed to strengthening business integrity. The OECD South East Asia Anti-Corruption and Business Integrity (SEACAB) Project aims to promote business integrity in the region, including by strengthening business’ awareness of, and ability to mitigate, corruption risk. The Project is delivered in collaboration with key partners and projects in the region, with an initial focus on Indonesia, Malaysia and Viet Nam. Activities being carried out under the auspices of the SEACAB Project are: Regional thematic workshops and collective action events Country-specific trainings and capacity-building Building the ACI evidence base for further in-country work The SEACAB Project is part of the OECD Anti-Corruption & Integrity Project, an initiative financed by the United Kingdom’s Prosperity Fund. >About the Joint OECD-ILO-EU Programme to Promote Responsible Supply Chains in Asia The OECD has worked with key Asian partners for a number of years to promote responsible investment and responsible business conduct. The OECD, in partnership with the International Labour Organisation and the European Union, is contributing its expertise on trade and investment and on risk-based RBC due diligence to support policy developments and action to create an enabling environment for RBC, to boost industry capacity, and to raise awareness of the importance of RBC. The programme is taking place from 2018 to 2020 in partnership with Japan, an OECD country, and the only country in the programme that has adhered to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and set up a National Contact Point (NCP), and five partner economies, namely China, Thailand, Viet Nam, Philippines, and Myanmar. A significant component of the activities includes working directly with businesses to promote responsible supply chains through implementing RBC due diligence. p/o Virginie Gastine Menou RISQUES ET VOUS Proposer une offre de job : Consulter les offres qui vous correspondent :

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