Finland's progress in strengthening measures to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing

Christophe BARDY - GRACES community
Propulsé par Virginie
Cet article est réservé aux membres

_5 October 202_1 - Since the 2019 assessment of Finland’s measures to tackle money laundering and terrorist financing, the country has taken a number of actions to strengthen its framework. Finland has been in an enhanced follow-up process following the adoption of its mutual evaluation in 2019. In line with the FATF Procedures for mutual evaluations, the country has reported back to the FATF on the action it has taken since its mutual evaluation. Consequently, to reflect Finland’s progress, the FATF has now re-rated the country on Recommendations 34 (Guidance and Feedback), from partially compliant to compliant. The report also looks at whether Finland’s measures meet the requirements of FATF Recommendations 2 and 15, which changed since their 2019 mutual evaluation. The FATF agreed to upgrade Finland on Recommendation 2 (National Co-operation and Co-ordination) from partially compliant to largely compliant, and downgrade the rating for Recommendation 15 (New technologies) from largely compliant to partially compliant. Today, Finland is compliant on 9 of the 40 Recommendations and largely compliant on 23 of them. It remains partially compliant on 8 Recommendations. Finland will continue to report back to FATF on its progress. 👉 p/o Virginie Gastine Menou RISQUES ET VOUS ✍🏼 Proposer une offre de job :  💈 Consulter les offres qui vous correspondent : 

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